Nik's Picks: ifttt - Turn the web into your own Rube Goldberg machine

I recently discovered a great little service, ifttt. The name is a cute abbreviation of “If This Then That,” which is exactly what it does.

The service works on a simple macro-like structure where you add a triggering event (If This) and then a task to do (Then That). Triggers and tasks are both hooked into a wide variety of web services, including social networks, Evernote, DropBox, and more. I’ve already set up a handful of workflows, some of which archive my social networking posts in Evernote (since the social networks themselves aren’t all that searchable), and one that lets me phone in new tasks to OmniFocus.

Very cool service, currently free, and the potential uses of it are infinite. Definitely worth checking out!

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Written on January 5, 2012