Here’s where you can find old scripts and goodies that, in many cases, have outlived their usefulness. They’re here in for those who still rely on them, eager and willing to work as well as they did on the day they saw daylight.
They are, however, entirely unsupported. Let the downloader beware.
In many cases, there are good alternatives, specifically:
OmniFocus URI Handler: Built into OmniFocus 1.8 and later
Metadata Test Suite: Backup Bouncer
Tivo Decoder: iTiVo, Roxio Toast
Kinkless GTD: OmniFocus
Un-kinking Entourage: OmniFocus
RocketWare/Share: vMac or SheepShaver and a multi-core Mac
Badge Leopard Stacks: Just run Software Update, or buy Snow Leopard